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Time & Talents
Please tick the relevant box(es) below to indicate which rota(s) and/or action groups you would like to be on and then click on Submit at the bottom of the page.

There is no previous experience necessary for any of these roles and you will receive training.

The rotas cover a three month period. The number of times you would be asked to participate during each rota varies according to the type of duty, but is usually between one and three occasions. You will be notified in advance of the schedule and always have the opportunity to swap with others. 
During the Sunday 10am Eucharist
Preparation for the Sunday Eucharist
Do you have experience in any of the following areas?
Other ways to be involved

Thanks for being involved at St Paul's Church!

Green Flag Award.png

The Parish of St Paul's, Clapham takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously.
Further information about safeguarding can be found here.

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