Holy Week and Easter Services
(Services listed in bold are held at St Paul’s)
Monday of Holy Week, 25 March
9:15 am Morning Prayer
7pm Eucharist at St Peter’s
Tuesday of Holy Week, 26 March
9am Morning Prayer at St Peter’s
12.30pm Eucharist at St Peter’s
Wednesday of Holy Week, 27 March
9:15am Morning Prayer
10am Meditation
12 noon Eucharist
with prayers for healing and wholeness
Maundy Thursday, 28 March
7pm Eucharist of the Last Supper
with Foot-washing and Watch
until midnight at St Peter’s
Good Friday, 29 March
10am Good Friday Liturgy at St Peter’s
11:30am Stations of the Cross
2-5pm Good Friday 3 hour Devotions at St Paul’s
Saturday 30 March
11am - 12noon Children’s Holy Week Event
Preparation of the Easter Garden
7.30pm Easter Vigil Liturgy at St Peter’s
Easter Day, Sunday 31 March
6.00am Easter Ceremonies, Vigil and
First Eucharist of Easter, followed by
Easter breakfast
10am Procession, Sung Eucharist
and Blessing of the Easter Garden
6pm Easter Eucharist at St Peter’s