If you are interested in being a part of the Big Green Day 2025, please get in touch with the event organisers on bgdclapham@gmail.com

Sunday 22 September 2024
This day is an opportunity for us all to engage with our local community and encourage local action
on climate change individually and collectively.
2024 Event Timetable
From 11am Free Tea & Coffee served in front of the church​
Speakers Corner
11:30am Save Soil
Eve Novikova will speak to the topic of 'The Magic Beneath Our Feet'
11:45am Eden Nature Garden
Head Gardener Benny Hawksbee will talk about wildlife successes in the garden over the last 9 years. (in Church)
12 noon Mark Ashworth
Local resident Mark will discuss ‘Fossil Fuel Reduction in our House and your Home too!'
12:30pm Nick Strachan
Clapham Architect Nick will introduce Passivhaus and what’s it all about? (in Church)
1pm Bring & Share Lunch
Please bring a vegetarian lunch of any kind to share. Free water and homemade drinks will be available whilst supplies last. We encourage you to bring your own water bottle
1:30pm Music by Jedd Bailey-Smith Quartet
2pm Buglife
Learn from Conor Cooper how to transform your green space into a haven for pollinating insects.
2:30pm Swift Conservation
Glynne Williams will tell us 'All about the Swifts' (in Church)
11:15am – 12:45pm Creative Art
Led by Lily Corbett Gale learn to paint Nature, Birds and Flowers with the traditional technique of egg tempera on gessoed paper
11am - 3pm Bike Repair
How to take care of your bike
11:30am – 12:45pm Mend & Repair
Learn to Darn – Preloved Clothing
11:30am – 12:45pm Garden Tool Sharpening
Bring along gardening tools for sharpening
For descriptions of the afternoon sessions, see above.
13:30pm - 3pm Creative Art
2pm - 3pm Mend & Repair
​​​​​​​​2pm - 3pm Garden Tool Sharpening

​Eco team Lambeth
Will talk about all things recycling and waste
Greenpeace South West London
Will start the conversation on climate, nature, oceans and more
Repowering London
Will engage on low carbon energy to communities
​​Heathbrook Primary School
Learn all about outdoor educational learning
The soil is in crisis – Learn about why saving soil is the holistic solution to sustaining future generations and reversing the climate change
Friends of Clapham Common
Say hello and find out what's happening on Clapham​
Children’s Activities
(in the lower churchyard)
Participate in outdoor sports with Olympian Andrea Lynch MBE
​Buglife build a Bamboo Bee Hotel
Take a nature quiz (in the Eden Nature Garden)
​Lucky Dip Prizes
(donated by local businesses)
Homemade Doggy Treats, Mel and Manis Treat Kitchen
Children’s Olympian 2024 T-Shirts & Water bottles, Andrea Lynch, MBE
Escape Room Game, Talking Tables
Collect your free bag of compost when you leave donated from The Pig's Head,
87 Rectory Grove, London SW4 0DR, generated in house from their food waste
Recycling Drive
At the Big Green Day we collected Printer Cartridges.
Big Green Day 2024